- Jacksonville
- St.Augustine
- Fernandina Beach
- Orange Park
- Palm Coast
- First Coast:
- Baker
- Clay
- Duval
- Flagler
- Nassau
- St Johns
Lease Purchase Program
First Coast Management & Realty buys your home directly from you with a lease purchase. Your given the option to choose between our short term and long term lease.
Then, From our list of prescreened qualified tenant buyers, we place a family in your property who are wanting to have the option to purchase your home. We are responsible, not you, to manage the tenant/buyer and your property until the option to purchase is exercised.
When the option to purchase is exercised you receive a higher Net Purchase price because you pay no Realtor fees or closing costs. This puts the property on "Autopilot" for you during the lease period, where you receive a check on or before the first of every month paid by us not the tenant/buyer.
Before or at the end of the lease period, when the family is ready to purchase, we close with an attorney, where the tenant/buyer buys your house and this is also when we get paid. It's that simple. So, it is important that we have a tenant/buyer serious about purchasing your home.
Benefits include. . . . .
- No tenants and toilets.We handle all maintenance and repairs.
- Pay no Realtor fees or commission.
- Pay no closing costs ,tenant buyer pays all closing cost.
- Receive a purchase price at the very top of the market even in a Buyers Market.
- Retain all tax benefits of ownership until the property is purchased.
- Our services are free to you we get paid by the tenant buyer.
- Tenant buyers rather than tenants. they treat your property as If It's theirs because one day it will be.
- We provide free marketing of your property and handle the showings to prospects.
- We handle any questions or concerns regarding your property.
- No rent collection problems. Your check arrives promptly before or on the first of every month.